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Uraflex EU86 X
( 型号 : Uraflex EU86 X )
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Applications 应用

Flexible primer for PP and PP/EPDM.


Principal properties 主要特性

- Adhesion 附着力

- Recoatability 重涂性

Dilutability 稀释性

Xylene 二甲苯 complete 完全

Butyal acetate 醋酸丁酯 complete 完全

Xylene, n-Butanol (50/50) 二甲苯、正丁醇 almost complete 几乎完全

1-Methoxy 2-propyl acetate insoluble 不溶的

Methyl ethyl ketone insoluble 不溶的

n-Butanol 正丁醇 insoluble 不溶的

Sec. butanol insoluble 不溶的

Compatibility 相容性

Eastman CP-343-3 1) complete 完全

Uraflex EU66 incompatible

Uraflex EU220 incompatible

Uralac SY937 incompatible

Recommendations on formulation and use 配方和使用建议

Uraflex EU86 X can be used in clear and pigmented paints. Pigmentation is done with

Uraflex EU86 X可以用于清漆或实色漆。

the usual equipment straight into the Uraflex EU86 X. Addition of chlorinated polyolefin 10-30 % on solid resin ensures good adhesion on polypropylene/EPDM without pretreatment. The quantity and type of chlorinated polyolefin can affect the pigmented paint stability, and where necessary chlorinated polyolefin is added as second component prior to use to avoid stability problems. The intercoat adhesion is affected by the type of flexible topcoat used, polyester or a mixture of polyester + acrylic topcoat.

Delivery form

35% in xylene

Product specifications 产品规格

Property 性能 Range 范围 Unit TM 测试方法

Viscosity, 23°C 粘度 700 - 1200 mPa.s 2013

Colour, Gardner 色度 0 - 7 - 2017

Solids content 固含 34 - 36 % 2026B

Appearance 外观 clear sl. hazy - 2265

Amine number 胺值 1.5 - 2.2 mg KOH/g 3001

Other product data 其它产品数据

Property Value Unit TM

Density, 23°C 密度 appr. 912 kg/m³ 2160

Flash point 闪点 appr. 24 °C 2800


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